If you want to improve your skills as a pickleball player, it's essential that you incorporate drilling into your routine. The truth of the matter is that no matter how many games you play, you will never be able to master all aspects of pickleball without practicing each skill.  

To help you get started, we've outlined an ideal pickleball drill schedule designed to elevate your game in just 90 minutes. This routine covers the most important aspects, including technique, footwork, strategy, and consistency:

Warm-up (10 minutes):

  • 3 Minutes: Jog from the back of the court to the net to elevate your heart rate and warm up muscles.
  • 5 Minutes: Arm, shoulder, leg, and core stretches for improved flexibility and mobility.
  • 2 Minutes: Practice forehand and backhand shadow swings without hitting the ball to reinforce proper technique.

Serve and Return Drills (10 minutes):

  • Practice different types of serves (e.g., flat, topspin, lob) targeting specific areas of the court.
  • Return serves from different positions on the court targeting specific areas of your return while focusing on accuracy and return depth.

Dinking Drills (15 minutes):

  • Work on soft touch shots by practicing forward dinking with your partner, aiming for placement and precision. 
  • Incorporate movement drills where you dink forehand cross-court and then move to the other side and dink cross-court with your backhand, focusing on footwork and accuracy.

Volley Drills (15 minutes):

  • Perform volley drills with a partner, alternating between forehand and backhand volleys, and incorporating movement along the kitchen line to cover different angles.

Third Shot Drop and Lob Drills (10 minutes):

  • Practice hitting third shot drops to initiate the rally after the serve, aiming to land the ball in the kitchen.
  • Work on defensive lobs and kitchen resets from different spots on the court to neutralize aggressive opponents and regain court control.

Game Simulation (20 minutes):

  • Play simulated games with a partner or small group, focusing on implementing the skills learned during drills in a realistic game situation.
  • Rotate positions (serving, returning, volleying, baseline play) to develop all aspects of your game.

Cool Down and Mental Conditioning (10 minutes):

  • Spend 5 minutes stretching your major muscle groups to help prevent cramping and injury.
  • Reflect on the session, noting areas of improvement and setting goals for future drill sessions.
  • Spend a few minutes visualizing the successful execution of shots and strategies, reinforcing confidence and focus.

Rinse and repeat

Remember that drilling isn't a one-and-done activity. While you may want to adjust the type, duration, and intensity of each drill, in order for it to be effective, you need to be practicing on a routine basis. Consistent drilling and deliberate effort are the magic keys to improving your pickleball skills over time.